Lost in Space is an American science fiction series that reimagines the original 1960s series of the same name. The series follows the Robinsons – a family of space colonists whose spaceship veers off course – and the trials and tribulations that they have to go through to survive. If you’ve already seen this reboot, then good for you! But for those that haven’t gotten around to it yet, don’t worry, we won’t spoil it for you. We’re simply here to shine a spotlight on a certain character whose intergalactic style can easily be replicated with just one jacket. Yes you read that right. Read on to find out more! As far as reboots go, they’re either a huge success or a massive flop. Ask a fan and they’ll tell you why they think this 2018 remake is better or worse than the original, and they’ll have no problem listing every minute detail that they insist a majority of people have missed (they are fans of the series after all so they’ll know best). Ask someone who’s really into their sci-fi movies and they’ll probably tell you how scientifically inaccurate some elements are in the series, but that’s besides the point. Looking at it from a fashion point of view, we think that both the original and re-imagined version of
Lost in Space have done well to remind us of the nostalgic allure of futuristic, space age fashion that was all the rage during the ‘60s. Although the silver jumpsuits, the go-go boots and the multi-coloured separates have been replaced by more practical and modern clothing, there’s no doubt that it’s made an impact on how the characters in the remake should dress. And this is where Don West, the witty, charming, fast-talking character of the series comes in. Played by Ignacio Serricchio, Don West's style is arguably the easiest to replicate because he does this with a simple Belstaff jacket that was bought exclusively from EQVVS; the Stapleford Jacket in Orange. The skilled smuggler can be seen wearing this lightweight jacket - sans the iconic rising phoenix logo that instantly distinguishes a Belstaff jacket from a regular jacket - in a few episodes and who can blame him when it's the perfect mix of style and comfort?
Photo Credit: The Streaming TV Blog & Netflix
Photo Credit: The Streaming TV Blog & Netflix
A versatile and trans seasonal piece of clothing, the Stapleford is an easy wear and because of it’s incredibly simple yet stylish design, it’s no wonder why we’ve sold out of them. But don’t worry, you can still copy the look with the Ravenstone and the Parkham Jacket as both pieces look similar to the one worn by Don West. Both are available in multiple colours, so the only thing left for you to do now is to decide which style and colour you want.
The Parkham Jacket
A jacket that closely resembles the Stapleford Jacket is the Parkham Jacket, available in multiple colours here at EQVVS. The snap fastened neck latch makes reference to Belstaff’s rich motorcycling heritage, helping to give off an edgy vibe you’ll find hard to achieve with just any other jacket. Piping accents throughout as well as the slanted chest pocket makes this piece look extremely similar to the one Don West wears in the latest remake, so if you can't get your hands on the original, the Parkham Jacket is the next best thing.
The Ravenstone Jacket
Crafted from a lightweight and breathable polyester, the Ravenstone Jacket features a classic zip and collar button fastening while the distinctive tonal stitching all over adds an incredible detail that certainly won’t go unnoticed – even if you are stranded on an alien planet. Two popper fastened pockets protects your valuables from unpredictable weather and helps to add a touch of practicality to this highly stylish jacket. Finished with Belstaff's iconic rising phoenix logo to the left sleeve, the Ravenstone Jacket is another worthy investment and you'd do well to have this piece in your collection.
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